We want to hear from The BGG community for Mother's Day!
As part of our 2019 Mother's Day Series, we are looking to share inspirational stories from mothers and daughters in politics!
If you are interested in writing for us, here are the guidelines:
The post should relate to an aspect of your political journey such as:
Did becoming a mom make you get politically engaged?
How do you manage being a mom and your political career?
Has your politically active mom been a role model for you?
Has your mom shaped your political journey?
Guidelines for the blog:
Good blog posts are at least 500 words, but please feel free to write more!
Submit at least three pictures to be used with the post that relate to its subject matter
Entries should be submitted by May 10th, 2019 at 11:00 PM Eastern Time to contact@thebgguide.com
The BGG editors have the right to edit the blog for grammar/content flow with final approval from the guest contributor
The guest contributor provides The BGG with the rights to promote the blog with its network and on social media
The guest contributor will promote the blog post with their network and on social media
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at contact@thebgguide.com.
We look forward to your submissions!