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Write For Us! Be a BGG Guest Contributor for Mother's Day!
We want to hear from The BGG community for Mother's Day! As part of our 2019 Mother's Day Series, we are looking to share inspirational...

The BGG Podcast Bonus Episode 5 from The She The People Presidential Forum
On this episode of The Brown Girls Guide to Politics podcast, host A'shanti Gholar hosts a roundtable conversation with Na'ilah Amaru,...

Watch The Livestream of the She The People Presidential Forum
On Wednesday, April 24th, 1700 women of color gathered in Houston, TX for the She The People Presidential Forum, the first-ever...

Listen to The BGG Podcast!
The Brown Girls Guide to Politics Podcast is all about amplifying the voices of women who are too often forgotten in most media coverage....

Partner Event! SPEAK Summit 2019
Check out this great event from our youth mentoring partner SPEAK mentorship! SPEAK mentorship is a non-profit that focuses on immigrants...

Event: Just Us Party Hosted By the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center & Fuente Latina for #WOMENOFC
Join the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center & Fuente Latina for #WOMENOFCOLOR Exceptional Women Leaders Lifting as They Climb Tishaura Jones...

International Women's Day 2019: Pantsuit Politics Podcast featuring The BGG Founder A'shanti
The BGG Founder A'shanti F. Gholar participated in the Pantsuit Politics special podcast recorded in Washington, DC. A'shanti was on the...

Write For Us! Be a BGG Guest Contributor for Women's History Month
Are you a Brown girl who wants to share her political journey with The BGG community? For Women's History Month, we are opening up The...

Belonging: A Conversation With The Colored Girls
“There is nothing special about being the only one.” - Donna Brazile “You have to have courage when you sit at the table.“ – Minyon Moore...

Recap: She The People 2018 Summit
There is nothing like being in a room full of women of color who are passionate and energized about politics and making the world a...

Contributor Tiffany Dena Loftin Talks the Importance of Millennial Voters
The BGG Contributor Tiffany Dena Loftin is a force. As the Director of the NAACP Youth and College Division, she commits herself every...

Meet Our Youth Mentoring Partner SPEAK Mentorship!
The BGG is committed to empowering women of color of all ages. For us, we know that this means we must start early in ensuring our young...

Video: Netroots Nation 2018 Panel "This Is What Democracy Should Look Like: 2018 & Beyond&q
I had the privilege of sitting on a panel at Netroots Nation this year called This Is What Democracy Should Look Like: 2018 & Beyond. The...

Join The BGG at the 2018 She The People Summit!
The Brown Girls Guide to Politics is proud to be a partner of She The People Summit! This groundbreaking political summit dedicated to...

Being The Only Brown Girl in The Room: Don’t Fear Being the Only One
The lights are on. The crowd is large and cheering. As I look around, starting to mingle, I noticed something strange while being at the...

Immigrant Heritage Month: Bring Your Identity With You
1969. That’s that year I emigrated from Egypt to the United States. I married my husband in 1970, and we are blessed with three grown...

I Knew Getting Politically Involved Could Help Change The Healthcare System
It’s not just passion for basic human rights that fuels my drive, it's also my background. My family came here for a better life. A life

When You Walk Into a Room Look for Someone You Know
I'm only 5 ft tall -- I can only see the glass as half full. That pithy quote, which I'm sure I stole from a New York Times article years...

Get Involved
"Get involved. You can never be pushed out if you work hard and become a true ambassador for yourself. Just get involved, keep your head...
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